But they could not live in Europe after the Catholic Church's doctrine prevailed. 然而当天主教教条在欧洲盛行之后,犹太人在欧洲就没有了栖身之处。
The former provides the means by which the Church makes authoritative decisions in doctrine, administration, liturgy and discipline. 前者提供了教会做出关于教义、管理、礼拜仪式和纪律的权威性决定的方法。
The story of Paul's conversion from a persecutor of Christianity to its greatest champion is famed in Church history and doctrine. 保罗从基督教的迫害者到基督教最伟大的捍卫者的转变故事,在教会历史和学说中颇为著名。
You are awakened to the need for the church to take a stand, to teach her people orthodox Bible doctrine. 你开始醒觉了:教会必须站稳立场,并教导信徒们正统的,合乎《圣经》的教义。
And that may not be within church doctrine. 那可能在教堂的教条之外。
In Park-street Church, on the Fourth of July, 1829, in an address on slavery, I unreflectingly assented to the popular but pernicious doctrine of gradual abolition. 1829年7月4日,我在公园街教堂作了讲演。当时我欠考虑地说我同意那种流行的但又是有害的关于逐渐废除奴隶制的观点。
Will the Anglican Church break apart over aspects of doctrine? 英国国教会是否会因为教义某些方面的不同而分裂?
This means that we're not reading these texts for just what the texts say about theology or even the early church or doctrine, or ethics or something like that. 也就是说我们阅读这些文本,不仅因为它们所反映的神学内容,或者早期教会的教条,或者伦理之类的东西。
The Roman Catholic church also holds to the doctrine of her Immaculate Conception and her bodily assumption into heaven. 罗马天主教会也提出无原罪始胎和圣母升天的说法。
The true church is virtuely defined by its adherence to this true doctrine of justification by faith ( which is derived from the Bible) as against the orthodoxy of the Pope, the devil and the world. 与教皇、魔鬼、还是整个俗世的标准恰恰相反,因信称义的信条是对正统信仰的(唯一)验证。
The argument about justification at Augustine 'time is based on the understanding on relation between God and human beings in theology and church doctrine when Christianity had become a powerful religion in contemporary society. 奥古斯丁时期的称义观体现了在基督教已经成为社会生活中占统治地位的宗教形式下对人神关系的理解。